Concept design:

As designer, I will establish with you a client brief and explore exciting and feasible project concepts with reference to the brief parameters. Once complete, an initial floor plan can be sketched up with an accompanying presentation suggesting aesthetic, materiality and palette.

Design development:

As architectural consultant, I will refine an existing design or concept. A client can expect to receive ideas for architectural and design improvements as well as suggestions on how to get the most from the project budget and how to maximise the efficiency of the development process.

Project management:

Acting as client representative, I will run the project for you. I will solve problems in real time as well as continue to refine the project throughout the process with quality, expedience and budget as priorities. I only manage one build at a time. Excellence requires undivided attention.


As client developer, I will combine all services offered to deliver a unique and valuable home with architectural excellence at its core.