If you are here, firstly, thank you for taking the time. Welcome. This is where I show my creativity and competence. Here you can browse my portfolio, sketchbook and other projects I have dedicated time to. You should notice a real diversity of material here: giving you a little insight into how my mind works and what interests me: what journey i have been on. Sketching is how I record ideas. Designing is how I refine them. WAKE is how I communicate them to you.


Curiosity is a word I identify with. When I was a kid, I enjoyed exploring. There weren’t any limits - other than my attention. At home, when things became stagnant, my curiosity would take me somewhere. Once I had finished wrestling a sock off the family dog, Bob, I would sketch a concept for a rock climbing car. After a sausage sandwich in the garden shed, which inevitably involved a bench vice or an axe, it was time for “air rifle vs food” - all documented with a camera for later analysis of course. In one afternoon, I had discovered the elastic limitations of 70pc cotton 30pc polyester socks, refined my concept for the “Rock Racer” and determined that eggs are more satisfying to shoot than apples - or even carrots. But carrots are more satisfying to squish in a vice!

Then my brother became old enough to participate. Suddenly I had a partner in crime and this made things much more interesting. Twice as much curiosity, courage and creativity. I won’t lie, it landed us into a fair bit of trouble at times. I remember taking the air rifle into next-door’s farm and chasing pheasants through crop fields: While the exhilaration was worth every bit of the bollocking we received from our father, I learned a more permanent lesson - I do not like killing things - apart from mosquitos. When we tied James’ scooter to the back of my bicycle during the summer holidays, we learned another rather painful lesson: That my 5 year old brother’s face was no match for tarmac.

I suppose most people would call this playing. And all kids do that if they can… Perhaps thats the key to most kids’ happiness. But we seem to lose that as adults.

Life can burden us to the point where we lose touch with our playful and imaginative selves. Concerns can render us afraid and inhibited. And disconnected from the present. Priorities, perhaps influenced by our surroundings, can blinker us. In any case, it is not uncommon for us to lose our direction: what gives our lives meaning. I find learning and discovering, or playing, very meaningful indeed. Responsibilities, of course, prevent me from ‘playing’ all the time; even give me direction. But there is plenty of space within the parameters of a responsible life to play.

I won’t lie, I am automatically competitive and demanding on myself. When combined with a keen curiosity, I am developing a competence at acquiring new skills and information. It is this that I find invaluable in a life where I am starting to realise that I have little control over. Competence equips me to better adapt to change. While society seems to advocate excellence in a single field, I find this very inhibitive from the point of creativity. Diversity is key to fresh ideas and approaches. After all, photography can inform ideas in architecture; carpentry can generate inspiration for interior design. But, most importantly - a stimulated mind is the most creative… Nothing on this entire planet sounds more mind numbingly soul destroying than ten thousand hours’ worth of practicing the same damn thing - and ‘Outliers’ by Malcom Gladwell was a number one best seller for three months’ straight!

I suppose the point I am trying to make is - I see things differently. This is what makes me excellent at what I do.



STUDIO WAKE is going somewhere. The current trajectory is design excellence. We might change direction once we reach the horizon. The ocean is flat and expansive. The weather is fair - so we find ourselves uninhibited for now.

If we’re heading the same way, come along! We can discuss the fare later ;)