Plot 7 is part of a seven unit development I designed for Alfred Homes in Winchester. Having struggled to obtain planning for three years with previous designers and schemes, the team asked me to sketch something to win over the local authority. So I sketched this cracking single story home: a contemporary statement in an otherwise Georgian-inspired scheme. We not only secured planning for all seven units immediately, but also, as the focal point of the site, Plot 7 sold off plan and became the most valuable house in Hampshire per square foot. The owners moved in while the rest of the site was still being built!
Plot 7 planning drawing - A 1700sqft 3 bed with study and garden. The intention was to provide a light and versatile living space dictated by symmetry and optimising natural light. The ceiling heights are 3m throughout and all principle rooms benefit from floor to ceiling glazing.
Plot 1,2 & 3 (left to right). Plot 1 is a 3000sqft 5 bed house influenced by Georgian proportion and symmetry. Plots 2&3 are semi detached and has more Edwardian language. I wanted the street scene to read these as two dwellings rather than three.
To the rear of the development lie plots 4,5&6 - a mix of two three and four bed houses. To the left is the rear elevation of 4&6 - with views to St Cahterine’s hill (as pictured below).